A downloadable tool


This conversational AI is specifically designed to assess resilience factors in the user. Taking about 15 minutes, this questionnaire will evaluate which of the following are best used to develop coping mechanisms.

Self-value: Emotional and behavioral expressions of self are positive and constructive allowing a person to keep going and engage in self-care despite difficulties. 

Self-Regulation: Emotional and behavioral self-management. When in a heightened emotional state able to self-calm. When in a depressive state able to energize.

Optimistic Goal-Setting: Energy towards positive expectations about life and future outcomes encourages initiative to set and achieve objectives. 

Problem-Solving: Ability to find unique solutions to difficult situations and circumstances.

Supportive Beliefs/Mindfulness: Deeply personal or sacred beliefs and practices that give support and meaning to life. Calming self through meditative practices, prayer, or spiritual communities.

Family:  Consistent interaction with at least one family member who provides reciprocal, ongoing support.

Friendship: Consistent interaction with at least one friend who provides reciprocal, ongoing support.

Supported Academic/Work Environment: A person is supported in his or her efforts to work consistently at his or her ability level and to attain educational and occupational goals. 

Activities: Engaging in positive endeavors such as physical activities and artistic expressions in the community, workplace, or home.

Community: The area in which a person lives is a secure place to connect with others and to obtain resources.

After doing a full assessment, the AI will then give recommendations on which coping mechanisms are best utilized for the individual.

This project was built by Matt Thompson, using software provided by Promethist.ai. Namely, their AI software Flowstorm.

The research was provided by, Machelle Madsen Thompson, Ph.D., LCSW, and Clifford M. Madsen, CDR USN NAVHLTHCLIN QUA VA (USA), who are currently creating training with Marine Corps physicians and counselors serving The Wounded Warrior Regiment. 

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